Monday, February 19, 2007

Is Past Ahead ?

It all started few months back when one of our team mate betrayed us 48 hours before the final show (can't mention name of that person here , SECURITY reasons!!) .We found ourselves in an awkward situation completely unaware of do's and dont's of that moment . Somehow we managed to squeeze out from that clumsy state though not efficiently but rather satisfactorily . We just did'nt allow that incident to dominate us and started our work with all cylinders firing at full pace .But hey! a series of :KG: (don't misunderstand it to b a measurement unit) was waiting for us.

On the very first day of our campaign in Mumbai we found ourselves arguing with' autowalas ' , landing at wrong places ,staying in sophisticated rooms (with plenty of mosquitoes) and hunting for good food (believe me ,you all are lucky to enjoy Brajwasi's delicacies).Next day , situation worsened further we were not able to clear the e-lims of 'The One Act Play' , we really toiled for this one but all in vain.The bad part of all this was that we did'nt knew were we went wrong.Was it that we exceeded the time limit (no way we finished well in time) , was it that we performed badly (i think we did put up a good show) or was it that we violated the rules (i did drop water on stage ).The reason still remains 'the mystery'.And our slump continues from that point .Losing out in street plays , situational acting (our performance was appreciated by the judges),music spoof video (jus chk out my orkut profile u v'll find this one) it's just not happening for us. These
are some major incidents ,there are innumerable small incidents where we found ourselves in no man's land .But now we are facing these scenarios almost regularly.We just left reacting to such situations long back. Synapse is not far away, we all are striving hard to put on a good show but back in our mind are glimpse of our past .So , should we stop our work and enjoy watching others perform as it would save us from embarrassment ?Should we leave giving full efforts thinking that it's jus not possible for us to win ?Should we be complacent with our past performances ? No way, we will try and try harder .If we lose this time we will try to win it next time and if lose next time we will keep trying until we win .So, what that we have'nt yet smelled the success , so what that we always fell short of our goals , so what that everytime we set out to do something we find wind blowing in opposite direction we won't accept defeat before trying .Let the PAST come we are ready to face it , the need of the hour says 'HAKUNA MATATA' .


Ajeet said...

well don't forget no defeat is final till we stop trying may be a win is just a block away..:):)

shruti said...

The final destination is important but more important is the journey to ur destination.Till the time u ppl work hard,enjoy and give in ur best u shudn't feel disappointed that u cudn't make it to the finals.u always get to learn smthing frm ur experiences and it refines u bettr.gear up for synapse.we r all waiting for an ossom performance by DTG:).

richa said...

I didn't know that there are already so many bloggers in DAIICT. Nice to see u here..

I like your 'working hard and not losing hope' attitude. :)